Gil Serra About iOS development

Pad - Sound Experience

This is an experiment with SpriteKit that got out of hands, I started making a class to detect touches inside given coordinates on a SKScene and went on from there.

I started by making a basic interface with Sketch, created some icons for the three main menus and sliced the assets from there, then I got some color inspiration from Adobe Color CC for the backgrounds of the pads, and after that I started with the coding.

The custom transition for the menus is a nice snippet of code I originally made for Infojobs in the filters of the search engine, which I tweaked a bit for this app.

The PO-12 and PO-10

Then I started recording some sounds with the Pocket Operators plugged to the mac via an M-Audio sound interface, sliced them as well as I could with Audacity(Don’t laugh, it does the job), and these are the sounds found in PrimalArcade, MartianRumble and ButsBatsWoop.

After that, it was guitar time. I plugged my really cheap and old guitar to the sound interface, amplified it via software with a lot of distorsion and reverberation until that turned out to be nice to hear and… You can try the sounds in the Ethereal pad.

When everything was almost ready, I started playing with the app and the different rythm combinations I could find and tweaked the pads until it was good enough.

While doing that I realised the screen was getting too crowded for both hands, so I thought that an extra sound trigger would be nice, but normally, you only get 2 hands, so;

I had the BrilliantIdea™ to grab the Apple Watch, strap it on my ankle, and then use the accelerometer to trigger a “Kick” sound. Guess what, the apple reviewers aren’t prepared to deal with a “put an apple watch on your ankle” situation so… (this feature can be found anyway beause it was on the first version, just forgot to mention it because I knew they would be a pain in the ass)

I hope that you can value my work, I know it’s a glorified fart button app with a fart button watch app but, it is not :)

Download Pad in the App store